
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fitness Strategy: ZUMBA

  • Zumba has been recently popular due to the fun way into getting fit.
  •  Zumba is a latin-inspired fitness that fuses dance routines with fitness exercises while dancing to South American songs. 
  • It is said that one zumba session depending on your fitness level and weight you can burn up to 600-1000 calories per workout.
  • Zumba combines hip hop with salsa while doing strength training and toning exercises.
 Videos of Zumba Fitness

    Zumba has 3 levels:
    Level 1: Basic Zumba- it mixes a variety of different dances
    Level 2: Zumba Gold- is made specific for the elderly to help follow along with Zumba.
    Level 3: Zumba level 2- the most advanced form of Zumba using an intense workout.

    With these 3 levels it is hard to make up an excuse that Zumba might be too hard to follow or not intense enough. I have taken a couple of Zumba classes and have grown to love the class. With each class you start out with warming up your body and then continuing on from high speed and low speed dances. A finished workout session will leave you relaxed and energetic.

    To find more information about Zumba go to which is the first link below. Clicking on that link will help you find a zumba class and a licensed instructor closely in your area. There  Also the zumba website sells DVDs, exercise equipment, and clothing for zumba fitness at home.

    Take a Zumba class and let me know how you feel about it in the comments section.

    To learn more about Zumba check the links below:

    Saturday, April 9, 2011

    Benefits of Green Tea 

    Green tea is becoming a popular source of being healthy.  There are many studies done to prove that green tea is very beneficial, not only does it help you lose weight but it also can treat cancer.  ECGC (epigallocatechin- gallate) is the main ingredient in green tea which is the reason for its helpful effects. Green tea has been an old remedy in China for many centuries but recently many Americans discovered the many benefits of green tea. 

    1. Burn fat and Exercise longer – Green tea can help you burn fat and increase your exercise endurance.  
    2.  Prolong life - Researchers found those who drink 5 or more cups of green tea a day are 16% less likely to die than those who drink less than one cup a day.
    3. Prevent and treat cancers – There have been studies to show that by drinking green it can help counteract both the initiation and promotion of cancer. 
    4. Acts as an antioxidant - Catechins are antioxidants found in large quantities in green tea.   It has shown to slow down aging and prevent many different illnesses.  
    5.  Acne treatment – Green tea is rich in antioxidant which helps get rid of toxin in the body.  It can help reduce redness, inflammation and prevent hormonal activity.  Drinking green tea with honeysuckle is the most popular method to fight acne, it is known as the “pimple tea”.
    6. Relieve stress - Tea contains a special compound called theanine, which has been known to stimulate brain waves, calm the body, and promote relaxed awareness.
    7. Improve heart health – Studies show that green tea restrains from the hardening and thickening of arteries.  Fat and blood platelets accumulate in the artery wall and clogs up the artery which will soon cause a heart attack but by drinking green tea it will lower your risk.  
    8. Boost immunity – Green tea contains antigens which are found in bacteria.  These antigens help build the immune system.  
    9. Improve memory and learning ability – The main components of green tea that will enhance the brain are polyphenols and EGCG.  The EGCG is able to pierce through the brain’s blood barriers and release antioxidant that affect on the free radical that cause some damages.  
    10. Skin protection – Green tea protects the skin from radiation sand also protects the skin by improving elastic tissues.  

    Click the Links below to find out more information or purchase to purchase tea. 

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    Life is a Box of Chocolates

    While most people believe that chocolate causes all sorts of problems, including zits, weight gain, and cavities, chocolate is actually beneficial! For those of you watching what you eat but have a knack for sweet treats, this may be good news for you:

    • Chocolate is not bad for your cholesterol. Milk chocolate contains a special saturated fat known as stearic acid. Unlike other saturated fats, stearic acid does not raise cholesterol levels in an unfavorable way. Consuming a 1.4 ounce bar of chocolate has been proven to increase high density lipoprotein (HDL), which are good cholesterol levels. 
    • Chocolate contains nutritional value. Chocolate alone is a high source of magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc. It also contains polyphenols, which is an antioxidant that minimizes the risk of coronary disease. A typical chocolate bar contains the equivalent amount of polyphenols as an average glass of tea or red wine. Moreover, dark chocolate contains more antioxidants than regular milk chocolate and yields lower blood pressure results as well as increases insulin resistance. 
    • Chocolate does not cause cavities. Cavities form when acid is produced from metabolized sugars from any type of food. This acid eats through tooth enamel which forms a cavity. Cavities can easily be prevented through daily fluoride use. Alternatively, the protein, calcium, and phosphate supplements in milk chocolate may actually defend tooth enamel. Chocolate's natural ingredients also clears the mouth quicker than any other sweets. This means sugar is less likely present in the mouth long enough to produce the cavity-causing acid. 

    Indulge your sweet tooth into more beneficial health facts here!

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    Sunday, March 27, 2011

    Making Water a Delicious Choice

    We here at A Health Affair chooses water as our favorite beverage. We tend to despise sugar-sweetened drinks, including soda. The average American drinks about 28 ounces of sugar-sweetened drinks in a day! According to a U.S. News article, water should actually be the choice of many American's.

    Water may have an extra special benefit when used in a strategical way. It has been found that drinking two 8-ounce glasses of water before each meal of the day may aid in weight loss. Drinking these two glasses of water can manage your hunger more effectively than anything else.

    This can fill up your stomach, therefore allowing your mind to think that your stomach is actually getting full. This will in turn cause you to portion your food and ultimately eat more or less accordingly. Blood pressure is also lowered as a result of reduced sugar intake. The reduced sugar intake also means less calories. One of the best features of water must be that it has ZERO calories! This is as healthy as it gets!

    If you think water is a little too boring for your tastes, try it with a wedge of lemon or lime! It adds a splash of flavor, yet still retaining the best benefits of water. Just look at how refreshing this drink looks:

    Please visit this article by Hanna Dubansky for more information regarding this excellent strategy in weight loss.

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    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Sleep to a Better Health

    The sleeping habits that you create can turn your health for better or worse. Getting enough sleep daily is necessary to energize your body for the next day. On average, the human body needs about 8-9 hours of sleep a day. Sleeping more or less than 8-9 hours a day is discouraged. To make sure you get a good sleep avoid watching tv or going on the computer an hour to 2 hours before your bedtime.

    Here are reasons why we should get the right amount of sleep.
    • Sleeping helps the immune system stay on balance so you are more unlikely to catch a disease.
    • Helps keep our metabolism on the right track. Lack of sleep will alter the metabolism and change the way your body breaks down food.
    • Things we learn on a daily basis is stored in memory with enough amount of sleep.
    • It helps avoid heart disease and helps maintain stress levels.

    To read more about sleep:

    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    Balance Your Health

    Yoga practices have many benefits that help strengthen, stretch and tone the body.  It has also been proven to enhance the immune system and known to massage all organs of the body.   It is an effective way to release stress and lose weight.  Yoga can be traced back thousands of years ago and was essentially used as a form of meditating.  Mediating harmonizes the body and mind and allows for relaxation and awareness.  In the modern world, yoga has developed to be a popular form of exercising and therapy.  This overall mental and health benefits is reached by practicing different yoga poses.  There are also different methods of yoga for special purposes.  There are various forms of practicing yoga but below are some videos that will help distinguish the differences between them. 

    Reasons to practice yoga:
    • Improve flexibility
    • Build strength
    • Increase body awareness 
    • Relieve stress 
    Different yoga practices:

                                                          Hatha Yoga

                                                            Bkiram Yoga

                                                           Iyengar Yoga

      Click Here to learn more about Yoga
      Find a Yoga Center near Fullerton
      Buy discounted Yoga Products here

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      Thursday, March 3, 2011

      Beauty Is Skin Deep

      Tired of spending money and time on useless skincare products? Try these free simple antidotes for attaining that flawless skin:

      • Reduce white carbs. Simple carbohydrates increase insulin in our body, which triggers acne formation. These carbs include pasta, potatoes, rice, and white bread. Instead, opt for fruits and vegetables. If you love sandwiches, choose wheat bread over white bread. Complex carbs, like wheat, digest more slowly and do not generate breakouts.  

      • Oil up. Although minimizing your fat-intake may be best for your figure, doing so will result in poor skin texture. Consuming less than 20 grams of fat a day may cause dry, flaky skin. Skin needs natural lubrication and absorption of vitamin A from oils to maintain that healthy glow. So, don't hesitate to drizzle some olive oil onto your mixed greens! 

      • Settle for seafood. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) decreases inflammation in the body, which causes clogged pores leading to acne. Seafood is an excellent source for EFAs, especially fish. This fact makes tuna sandwiches much more yummier! 

      If seafood doesn't interest you, munching on almonds is an excellent alternative that yields the same results. 

      Discover more tips on sustaining healthier skin here!

      Wednesday, February 23, 2011

      Introduction to A Health Affair

       Hi readers! We are pleased to announce our new blog will provide various access to healthy tips for a healthier living style.

      Today, society calls for many things. Health is among one of the many topics in debate around the United States. Although there are many options in diets, exercises, games, rituals, and remedies, many seem too drastic or unrealistic for the vast majority of college students.

      Here at A Health Affair , we have a different approach to health. We believe the smaller steps and efforts in the process to being healthy is key to starting a new life. As the days and weeks go by, you will realize these blogs might just give you a kick into being healthy.

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