
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Benefits of Green Tea 

Green tea is becoming a popular source of being healthy.  There are many studies done to prove that green tea is very beneficial, not only does it help you lose weight but it also can treat cancer.  ECGC (epigallocatechin- gallate) is the main ingredient in green tea which is the reason for its helpful effects. Green tea has been an old remedy in China for many centuries but recently many Americans discovered the many benefits of green tea. 

1. Burn fat and Exercise longer – Green tea can help you burn fat and increase your exercise endurance.  
2.  Prolong life - Researchers found those who drink 5 or more cups of green tea a day are 16% less likely to die than those who drink less than one cup a day.
3. Prevent and treat cancers – There have been studies to show that by drinking green it can help counteract both the initiation and promotion of cancer. 
4. Acts as an antioxidant - Catechins are antioxidants found in large quantities in green tea.   It has shown to slow down aging and prevent many different illnesses.  
5.  Acne treatment – Green tea is rich in antioxidant which helps get rid of toxin in the body.  It can help reduce redness, inflammation and prevent hormonal activity.  Drinking green tea with honeysuckle is the most popular method to fight acne, it is known as the “pimple tea”.
6. Relieve stress - Tea contains a special compound called theanine, which has been known to stimulate brain waves, calm the body, and promote relaxed awareness.
7. Improve heart health – Studies show that green tea restrains from the hardening and thickening of arteries.  Fat and blood platelets accumulate in the artery wall and clogs up the artery which will soon cause a heart attack but by drinking green tea it will lower your risk.  
8. Boost immunity – Green tea contains antigens which are found in bacteria.  These antigens help build the immune system.  
9. Improve memory and learning ability – The main components of green tea that will enhance the brain are polyphenols and EGCG.  The EGCG is able to pierce through the brain’s blood barriers and release antioxidant that affect on the free radical that cause some damages.  
10. Skin protection – Green tea protects the skin from radiation sand also protects the skin by improving elastic tissues.  

Click the Links below to find out more information or purchase to purchase tea. 


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